

10 ways to earn money playing video games

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earn money playing video games
Who doesn't like making money playing video games? Well ... All those who do not like video games. However, if you love the gamer world you will know that there are ways to earn money from home playing video games.
Here we are going to tell you what are the best options to generate income playing video games and how to get the most out of them after combining them with your professional passions, for example, writing, programming, designing, etc ...
Who said that playing video games always had to be an unprofitable hobby?
These are 10 ways to earn money playing video games.
Stream on Twitch
The growing popularity of live broadcasts and video games comes together with the birth of Twitch , an entertainment platform that lets you stream your experience playing live video games and earn money at the same time.
On Twitch you can earn money through donations via PayPal that are voluntarily made by the community of followers of the channel you have created on the platform, but also through the Twitch affiliate program , after fulfilling a small list of requirements.
Twitch affiliates will be able to earn money from home by playing video games as their audience grows and subscriber numbers increase, they advertise video games during their broadcasts, and purchases originate from their channel.

Play e-Sports

The e-Sports are competitions in multiplayer games every day reach over the top of popularity. Beware: nothing falls from the sky, which is why they require being a professional player and many hours of practice in a specific game. However, if you like video games a lot and want to live on them, this will not be an impediment.
It is an industry that moves a lot of money and that allows you to generate economic income from home by playing video games, producing high commissions for sponsorships, but which also covers many other branches to explore, being the focus of new academic specialties and professional training, which leads us to next point ...

Video game trainers

Just as you read it!
You can earn money playing video games, but above all, training other players to do their best in online tournaments. As we mentioned earlier, the rise of e-Sports has unleashed a new series of professions, such as that of the video game coach .
In general, the cost of this type of service is established based on the number of hours of training provided, ranging from approximately $ 20 to $ 100 per hour , although it will certainly depend on your level of popularity in the sector and the state of demand your skills.
The best way to get started as a video game coach is to demonstrate your potential and build a solid base of followers through channels such as YouTube and / or Twitch to which you can then offer your services.

Tournament competitions

On a smaller scale than e-Sports, there are the classic tournaments organized in trending video games, such as Fornite, Call of Duty or League of Legends .
Although profits are not always the highest in the sector, it is an excellent way to generate extra income thanks to video games.

Video game journalist

If video games are your thing, but you also have a passion for communication and you even have an academic background and / or supporting professional experience, you already have the basics to start a career as a video game journalist , either independently or starting to establish contacts in the sector that offer you the opportunity to belong to their family of editors.

Video game tester

Did you know that in at least the United States, the average salary of a person who tries out video games (Game Tester) is $ 67,813 a year?
A succulent figure that attracts the attention of many ... so you already know that this topic is very serious.
If you are trying video games , your main task will be to evaluate the experience of the game itself from the point of view of an average player, but with additional elements of attention, considering reporting any possible errors detected and offering suggestions for improving the product.
At first it might sound easy, but the duration of the game sessions, the number of annotations and tests that must be carried out in the process and the demand for analytical skills that this work entails, justify the reason for their high remuneration at an economic level. .

Start a YouTube channel

The content and channels related to the universe of video games on YouTube is one of the most consumed by users, suffice it to say that Felix Kjellberg , better known by his internet nickname, PewDiePie, the youtuber with the most subscribers in the world, amasa a monthly fortune of $ 20 million for making content while playing video games from home.
But you don't have to be a PewDiePie to make money from home playing video games, as channels with a smaller audience also have opportunities to grow, especially if they keep up with trending video games and have charisma skills for entertainment while At the same time, they develop high-quality guides, tutorials and reviews.

What is the 5s method, how does it work and how can you apply it

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What is the 5s method
Know the 5S method? It is a Japanese method to manage your work in a more orderly, clean and efficient way, following simple techniques and accessible to anyone. Here we tell you everything you need to know about how the 5S method works.

What is the 5S method

Before getting fully into its operation, you must know what the 5S method is.
It is a technique for managing the work environment that has its origin in Japan . It is based on a number of 5 stages with key principles, whose names start with the letter S in Japanese, and whose mission is to improve working conditions and increase productivity and effective time management .

Benefits of using the 5S method

These are the benefits of the 5s method.
  • Adjusts easily and flexibly to different working modalities, that is, the 5S method works whether you are collaborating in a company or working from home or from anywhere in the world.
  • It improves the worker's working conditions in many ways.
  • On larger business scales, prevents the number of security risks .
  • It could be a source of of cost reduction .
  • Encourages teamwork or help manage individual work effectively.
  • It helps to carry out better time management and increases the productivity .
  • It is applicable effectively, not only within work contexts, but even as a philosophy for executing daily life tasks or working on personal projects.

What are 5S and how do they work?

As we already mentioned, the 5S method involves following 5 specific stages to the letter as a basis to guarantee quality results thanks to their monitoring, these stages are known as…

Seiri (Separate / Sort)

This principle establishes that the first step before starting a task or project is to identify those objects, resources and tools that are not useful within the requirements of the work to be carried out and separate them from those that will add value to us in the process.
Given the 5S method, separating is of utmost importance to avoid the constant distractions that so sabotage our productivity. In addition, a free space, provides greater mental clarity and saves time.
Remember to apply this principle not only on a physical level, but also digitally, effectively separating your files on electronic devices and mail.

Seiton (Sort)

Now that you have carried out the classification and removed from your view everything that only generates “noise” in space, it is time to move on to the order phase regarding things that do play an important role in the work process.
The main recommendation to follow this step of the 5S method is to order according to the importance or frequency of use , that is, the things you plan to use the most, it is best that they have an accessible position, either on your physical or virtual desktop. Everything else can be stored in accessible folders or compartments, but without having to keep them close at all times.
The objective of this phase of the 5S method is to save time and interruptions in the workflow due to the fact that we are always stopping in the middle to try to locate what we knew from the beginning was essential.

Seiso (Cleaning)

This stage of the 5S method is so simple that sometimes it's hard to believe that not everyone is already applying it: try to keep your workspace clean , but seriously clean, not just at first glance.
Although the principle was originally intended to increase safety and reduce occupational risks in large-scale companies, it is perfectly applicable to your office or personal desk, so you know, take advantage of a day that you have some time to do. deep clean your workspace and if possible make it look more minimalist.

Seiketsu (Standardize)

The fourth principle of the 5S method tells us that after following the previous phases regularly, we will be able to start creating an organized and clean work system that at the same time is capable of preventing falling again in situations of disorder or poor cleaning.
To achieve this we must always be aware of "putting everything back in its place" without missing a beat, that is what standardizing is all about.

Shitsuke (Discipline)

The last phase of the 5S method is based on building discipline precisely in order to maintain this methodology in the long term, follow-up to identify points for improvement and establish a commitment to continue perfecting the technique until it becomes an indispensable part of our philosophy of job.

To finish on the 5S method

Now that you are aware of what the 5S method is and how it works, are you ready to start applying it in your day-to-day work and boost your workflow?
Remember that it is not enough to apply it once to achieve effective results, it is all a matter of forging solid habits and including it in your work routine consistently.
We propose you a challenge ...
Try it for a week and tell us the results obtained. Sure you will be surprised😉

Freelancer: What is it and how to use it to find a job online?

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freelancer what it is and how to use it

Freelancer is one of the best-known platforms to find employment online from anywhere in the world or without having to leave home. If you are at this point, then you will find a guide on how to use Freelancer to find employment online and access job opportunities from anywhere in the world.
Freelancer is an online employment platform for hiring remote professional services in different areas, thus connecting different companies and professionals to establish effective collaboration.
What kind of work can be done in Freelancer
Freelancer has a wide list of categories, among which multiple types and areas of professional services stand out.
Among the most popular and requested services we can find:
  • Creation of webpages
  • Apps and software development
  • Content writing
  • Translation
  • Graphic design
  • Architectural works
  • Data entry and administration
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Customer services
  • Consulting services

How to get a job online with Freelancer

First of all, it will be to create a profile on the platform .
Once created, you can add your list of professional skills to later find projects that require those skills for execution.
To find projects suitable to your professional profile you must follow the following steps:
  • Click on the top menu section that you will find under the name "Work" and you will see that a menu is displayed in which you must select the option "Explore projects" .
  • You will see that you will automatically go to a screen where all the projects that match the professional skills of your profile are displayed. You can edit according to your needs.
  • Suppose you are interested in working as an SEO writer and you see an ideal offer for you, so the main thing would be to click to know each and every one of the details and requirements . You will be able to view the budget that your potential employer has to assess what the cost of your service will be based on that range, in addition to knowing the time you have to send your proposal. Here you can see an example.
  • You will also be able to visualize your "competition", that is, who are the other freelancers who have submitted proposals to this work so that they have an idea of ​​what you can offer as added value.
  • Yes now! The time has come to enter your proposal and define what you plan to offer the client , that is, what your offer is, in how long you deliver it and a description of why you are the right person to work on that project. Be creative! Remember that many people want to get the job.

Tips for getting more projects in Freelancer

Here are some tips so you can access more projects on this platform.

Create an attractive profile

Once you have registered, it is time to add added value to your profile , that is, to put a professional photo , a striking description where you briefly highlight the best of your experience and skills.
Keep in mind that this step is about creating reliability through your proposal and giving the image that as a professional, you have a good reputation in your history and there is a certain power of conviction in your words when it comes to writing who you are so that you difference from the rest of professionals.
Freelancer will put at your disposal several tools that will increase the attractiveness of your profile, for example, you will be able to verify your contact information such as email and phone number, your payment method and even, for a cost of $ 5, you will be able to certify your skills before your potential clients.

Transmits confidence

Having an attractive profile is very important, but if you plan to earn money working remotely, you must contribute something else. An image is worth a thousand words, and in this case, your image is the references of your work, demonstrable experience and your ability to create good expectations.

Study the competition

Generally, on platforms of this type you cannot explore the competition. However, as we mentioned in previous points, in Freelancer you can visualize who are the other people who are sending proposals to that opportunity that interests you so much.
Check the profiles in detail, see what they are offering and try to contribute an improved version of this.

10 Part-Time Jobs to Increase Your Income

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20 Part-Time Jobs to Increase Your Income
If you are looking for a part-time job , keep it simple and give you extra income, either because you need a little more money , because you are studying and you need to have an income, or simply because you want to have an extra job that you don't want. take up all the time, here you are going to know some of the options that are presented.
Mind you, that we have previously mentioned that they are simple jobs , does not mean that they are for everyone. There are people who will be able to carry out this type of work in a simple way and others cannot, you must know how to select the one that best suits your possibilities and characteristics.
On the other hand, in this article we wanted to publicize these alternatives as part-time jobs . When doing any of the different jobs, you should keep in mind that you are not going to spend more time than you dedicate to your main job or studies.
A part-time job can also be a good option if you are looking for a full-time job. In this way, you can be earning income until you find the desired job.
Whatever your reason, below are the best part-time jobs with which to increase your income.
Simple part-time jobs to increase your income
The jobs listed below are generally easier to get, and best of all, they are not usually difficult jobs to do.

Delivery man

Working as a delivery man can be an option when generating extra income by working part time. There are companies where you can work part-time autonomously distributing food, flowers, parcels in general ... For example, Amazon Flex  that offers wages of 56 euros per 4-hour work block . There are also other companies like Uber, Glovo or Delivero where you can access a partial job as a delivery man.

Pet care

There are more and more opportunities, especially in big cities, where you can work taking care of pets. It is a punctual job that you can do eventually. To locate these opportunities, you only have to access one of the pages to work caring for animals that is available in each country.

Fitness instructor

Are you one of those who spend many hours in the gym? You can propose to become a fitness instructor  and take advantage of those hours of training by teaching as a personal trainer or by giving group classes. The same even becomes a full-time job.

Wedding planner

Weddings can be a good part-time job option. Wedding planners, known as wedding planners , help couples organize weddings, from the entire wedding to certain parts of the event (ceremony, treat, clothing, gift list, accommodation if necessary, entertainment ...)
And who knows…? perhaps it can be turned into a full-time job. Here you can find training to work as a wedding planner .


If you are a university student or teacher, you can choose a part-time job teaching classes in some specialization: mathematics, languages, music ... any subject of your career, there are many options. Of course, you will need to arm yourself with patience and desire to teach. There are also options for teachers who prefer to teach online .

Social Media Assistant

Social networks have become the day to day of many. So much so that numerous jobs or ways of earning money have emerged with social networks that are attracting the eyes of many young people ... and not so young. If you are a person who spends too much time using social networks, take advantage of it to generate extra money . From generating income with your accounts to offering help to companies and other accounts to use them.

Classroom or library monitor

Another part-time job that you can carry out is that of classroom monitor, library, gym, school bus, etc. A monitor responsible for nothing out of the ordinary happening. Only suitable if you like to work with children.

Take care of kids

Traditionally known as “babysitting”, it is a very opportune job if you like children and want to earn extra money eventually. You can search for this type of work through internet advertisements, specialized web portals such as…. putting up posters, or word of mouth asking.

Freelance jobs

One of the best ways to earn extra money from casual work is by doing freelance work. This field is very wide and offers a large number of opportunities of all kinds. Best of all, take a look at the best websites to find a freelance job .


Transcriptionist work is an extra job option that you can also do from anywhere in the world. There are many job offers on the main job search websites  or you can also go to websites with job offers for transcriptionists .


If you like photography, you can turn your hobbit into a part-time job for extra income. There are many ways to earn money from photography, from working at events, weddings, and more ... to selling photographs online .

House keeper

This may be one of the best jobs in the world for many. You just have to make sure that everything is in order, carry out the pertinent maintenance, and eventually, you will have to do the odd repair. When you work with a good client, you will believe that you are at home. Learn more about working taking care of houses here .

Virtual assistant

If you have good skills and abilities as a virtual assistant, you can provide your services by working part-time and also online. Virtual assistants can perform very diverse tasks, you just have to find your place and your corresponding offer. Here you will find more information to work as a virtual assistant .


There are many establishments where you can work part time. Above all, fashion stores and department stores often publish job offers of this type. Not only nationally, if you are abroad and need extra money, this is an option to consider. Visit the websites of the most famous stores and department stores to access job offers.


Although there has been a lot of talk about filling out surveys , they are there and they work. Obviously, they are not full-time jobs. But to get extra money as part-time supplementary work, it's not bad. You choose the time you want to spend filling out surveys, and at the end of the month, you will receive an extra payment.
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The Alfa Romeo Giulietta would stop production this year

The Alfa Romeo Giulietta would stop production this year

After the appearance of the new Giulia and Stelvio three years ago, it seemed that the Giulietta had its days numbered within the Alfa Romeo range, but its constant sales and the absence of a formal replacement kept it in production.
However, Alfa Romeo had decided to remove it from the market to accommodate the brand's new SUV, the Tonale, presented as a concept at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show and already filtered as a production model at the end of that same year, and which before of the Coronavirus was scheduled to appear ending this 2020. 
Although there is no official confirmation from Alfa Romeo, several European media have already put the Giulietta's immediate headstone, considering that the Cassino plant (Italy) has been stopped for a long time by the mandatory quarantine and that the null sales registered by all the brands ensure an available stock for the next months. 
In addition, it must be considered that since its launch in 2010, the Giulietta never received a deep update, but only some minor restyling (the last one in 2019), which made it lose strength in the European markets. In fact, in 2019 only 15 thousand units were sold, so the brand had already lowered production from 70 to 40 units per day.
And now, when industrial activities in Italy return in May, the beautiful compact will probably not be produced again and the transition from the assembly line to the new platform that will give life to the Tonale will begin. CA has invested more than 800 million euros to reconvert this plant to manufacture not only the new Biscione model but also an SUV for Maserati and a third one that will appear in 2022, a compact SUV in the B segment, also from Alfa Romeo.
That, without taking into account the industrial decisions that can be made once the merger with PSA is approved. 
What is known about the Alfa Romeo Tonale is that just like the Stelvio, its name derives from a mountain route in the Alps. It will use the same platform as the  Jeep Renegade and Compass, and by size, it will position itself below the Stelvio, in competition with models such as the BMW X1 / X2 and the Audi Q3, among others.
It will be offered with turbocharged engines, 1.4-liter gasoline with 170 Hp and a 2.0 diesel with the same level of power, and which will dazzle with a plug-in hybrid variant similar to the one used by both Jeeps in Europe.

Tips For How To Become A Brand Ambassador All Companies Want To Hire

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How to become a brand ambassador?

It is not possible to promote something . Usually, companies, when getting response from their brand ambassador, are looking for people who identify with the company and the message they want to convey through the marketing campaign.

A brand ambassador must have an excellent reputation outside and on the Internet, must be a person with excellent personal relationships, must be friendly and proactive and somehow be an outgoing person.

He must have a talent for communication and must also be able to transmit the values ​​of the company he represents most appropriately, conveying that essence with the correct language. In addition to that, it must attend to the users in any of the questions that they manage to raise.

Since the attention in time of the restlessness of the consumers is what will allow gaining clients and reputation in the market.

Brands looking for ambassadors

The demands of consumers are increasing. Therefore companies have understood the importance of using new mechanisms for marketing their products, hence the number of companies that study the
possibility of incorporating ambassadors is increasing every day. Brand in that marketing strategy.

Large companies such as Apple, Starbucks, Belay, Adidas, Nike, among others, are examples of large companies that use brand ambassadors to project their products further.

But we can also point out that there are slightly smaller companies that use brand ambassadors within their universe of loyal consumers, so the possibility that a large or small company is looking for a brand ambassador.

 you must follow good practices to become a worthy brand ambassador.

TIPS for how to become a brand ambassador?

It is essential to be in constant motion, attend events where you can establish a relationship with the companies you want to represent.

If you have already set a goal, and you have selected the companies you want to serve, then contact them, get to know their products and services and be a loyal consumer, you will see that it will not take long to become the ambassador of your dream band.

Perfect yourself

Please do not get stuck in a single concept, that is, you know what your potentials are, then to exploit them, but you must renew knowledge.

We know that there is a constant amount of knowledge about the new tools for marketing, it is advisable to be at the forefront of this knowledge, to improve your style and originality.

Spend time on your image

Our image is the first impression we can convey so that someone scruffy and with an impoverished lexicon will face hardly for how to become a brand ambassador.

A smile, a friendly gesture accompanied by a pleasant and presentable appearance are going to be that annihilating combination that will make users and companies that are looking for a brand ambassador fall in love.

Create an excellent reputation

Be active in social networks, and promote that image that makes you stand out from the competition.

Sell ​​yourself but without arrogance, use your followers for it, share through your comments, post, and record and upload quality material in your different profiles.

This reputation also includes your behavior outside the networks; you have to be consistent with the message that is transmitted and the way of acting of each one.

Bandmates is an ideal tool for those who want for how to become a brand ambassador for essential companies.

it is a group of professionals who have created an online platform where there is a catalogue of the most influential brand influencers and ambassadors in the market.

So you have to visit their portal, register. You will have the possibility to participate in different tasks such as influencer and thus be a brand ambassador.

Keep in mind that things do not happen overnight, but if you are organized and constant, we can guarantee that you will achieve the projection you need and can position yourself in the universe of brand ambassadors as one of the best.


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Driving on the road while for many is a traditional unique and fun with great

Experience. Moreover, someone cannot forget and ignore that it can also be a losing for something situation.

It means that the high season for motorcyclists is during warm weather, which increases the chances of accidents on the road.

Motorcycle accident phoenix

To avoid motorcycle accidents, here are some tips that may be useful.

If you are a novice or experienced motorcyclist, try to follow them for your safety, that of your loved ones and the community.

If you get on a motorcycle, don’t Drunk.

Statistics show that there are more risks of Suddenly accidents when  ride of motorcyclists on intoxicated roads.

Never ride the bike under the influence of alcohol, fire or other toxic substances. To avoid Motorcycle accident phoenix make sure you are completely confidental and under control of your senses.

Avoid driving on the freeways.

Most of accidents get crash between cars and motorcycles occur on highways.

If you have to move along a highway and see that it is available on it, make use of the lane for vehicles with multiple passengers (HOV) that are open to motorcyclists and has less car traffic.

If you want to avoid motorcycle accidents, a good plan is to stay away from cars.

Drive at a safe speed and by the weather

Consider the weather in which you mobilize to control the speed of your motorcycle.

A good motorcyclist must adjust to the weather, terrain and road conditions.

Roads with snow or wet roads, for example, can be especially dangerous to ride a motorcycle. Caution is an essential tool to avoid Motorcycle accident phoenix.

Lower the motorcycle speed by taking a curve

Driving at full speed can arouse a liberating sensation, especially on a motorcycle. But, doing so is very dangerous, especially if you are about to take a curve.

If you reduce the speed before a curve, you can anticipate and cross it correctly. Keep in mind that if a car or other motorcycle comes in the opposite direction, you can dodge them more easily.

Maintain your motorcycle or buy a new one

You probably love the classic Harley from your grandfather's collection. But it may be stay safer to invest in a new motorcycle to avoid motorcycle accidents.

Today, motorcycles equipped with safety devices that were previously used only in the manufacture of cars.

There are now motorcycle models that come with airbags and advanced braking systems.

These provide additional security for Motorcycle accident phoenix. Research the safety system of your motorcycle before going on the road during the high season.

Always wear the safety helmet.

Currently, 31 states do NOT have laws on the use of motorcycle safety helmets. If your state rules do not force you to use it, use it the same. It could not prevent a motorcycle accident, but if I could protect it in the event of an accident.

Remember that the safety helmet design to protect you, especially in cases of accidents.

It has shown that wearing a helmet is 37 per cent effective in preventing Motorcycle accident phoenix deaths and 67 per cent in preventing brain injury after a collision or fall.

Take motorcycle safety training courses.

Many states and municipalities offer free or low-cost courses on how to drive a motorcycle safely. They offer tips for moving cautiously along the road, tips on accident prevention, and what to do after a motorcycle accident.

If you are a rookie motorcyclist, we advise you to take these types of courses immediately. Check your state's official website to see if they currently offer programs with this type of training.

A timely way to avoid motorcycle accidents is to have proper education on how to handle them. A convenient way to prevent accident motorcycle phoenix is to have the appropriate knowledge on how to manage them.

Could you consult with our lawyers?

If you had an accident of this type, contact us now for a free consultation. You can complete the online form and send us a message via Facebook Messenger.

We will be happy to hear your case and see what your best options are before the law.