What is the 5s method, how does it work and how can you apply it

What is the 5s method
Know the 5S method? It is a Japanese method to manage your work in a more orderly, clean and efficient way, following simple techniques and accessible to anyone. Here we tell you everything you need to know about how the 5S method works.

What is the 5S method

Before getting fully into its operation, you must know what the 5S method is.
It is a technique for managing the work environment that has its origin in Japan . It is based on a number of 5 stages with key principles, whose names start with the letter S in Japanese, and whose mission is to improve working conditions and increase productivity and effective time management .

Benefits of using the 5S method

These are the benefits of the 5s method.
  • Adjusts easily and flexibly to different working modalities, that is, the 5S method works whether you are collaborating in a company or working from home or from anywhere in the world.
  • It improves the worker's working conditions in many ways.
  • On larger business scales, prevents the number of security risks .
  • It could be a source of of cost reduction .
  • Encourages teamwork or help manage individual work effectively.
  • It helps to carry out better time management and increases the productivity .
  • It is applicable effectively, not only within work contexts, but even as a philosophy for executing daily life tasks or working on personal projects.

What are 5S and how do they work?

As we already mentioned, the 5S method involves following 5 specific stages to the letter as a basis to guarantee quality results thanks to their monitoring, these stages are known as…

Seiri (Separate / Sort)

This principle establishes that the first step before starting a task or project is to identify those objects, resources and tools that are not useful within the requirements of the work to be carried out and separate them from those that will add value to us in the process.
Given the 5S method, separating is of utmost importance to avoid the constant distractions that so sabotage our productivity. In addition, a free space, provides greater mental clarity and saves time.
Remember to apply this principle not only on a physical level, but also digitally, effectively separating your files on electronic devices and mail.

Seiton (Sort)

Now that you have carried out the classification and removed from your view everything that only generates “noise” in space, it is time to move on to the order phase regarding things that do play an important role in the work process.
The main recommendation to follow this step of the 5S method is to order according to the importance or frequency of use , that is, the things you plan to use the most, it is best that they have an accessible position, either on your physical or virtual desktop. Everything else can be stored in accessible folders or compartments, but without having to keep them close at all times.
The objective of this phase of the 5S method is to save time and interruptions in the workflow due to the fact that we are always stopping in the middle to try to locate what we knew from the beginning was essential.

Seiso (Cleaning)

This stage of the 5S method is so simple that sometimes it's hard to believe that not everyone is already applying it: try to keep your workspace clean , but seriously clean, not just at first glance.
Although the principle was originally intended to increase safety and reduce occupational risks in large-scale companies, it is perfectly applicable to your office or personal desk, so you know, take advantage of a day that you have some time to do. deep clean your workspace and if possible make it look more minimalist.

Seiketsu (Standardize)

The fourth principle of the 5S method tells us that after following the previous phases regularly, we will be able to start creating an organized and clean work system that at the same time is capable of preventing falling again in situations of disorder or poor cleaning.
To achieve this we must always be aware of "putting everything back in its place" without missing a beat, that is what standardizing is all about.

Shitsuke (Discipline)

The last phase of the 5S method is based on building discipline precisely in order to maintain this methodology in the long term, follow-up to identify points for improvement and establish a commitment to continue perfecting the technique until it becomes an indispensable part of our philosophy of job.

To finish on the 5S method

Now that you are aware of what the 5S method is and how it works, are you ready to start applying it in your day-to-day work and boost your workflow?
Remember that it is not enough to apply it once to achieve effective results, it is all a matter of forging solid habits and including it in your work routine consistently.
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