5 Reason Is It Possible To Become an Entrepreneur Start a Business with no Money? You Just Need to Startup Yourself Nothing is impossible

Start a business with no money 

I am convinced that no course or book in the world can teach you to be the Steve Jobs of the business area of ​​your choice.
And although you can find publications and courses that claim to help you develop the ideal and complete profile of an entrepreneur, I have never met one who has that profile with every one of the characteristics that are supposedly required to be an entrepreneur.

Is It Possible To Become an Entrepreneur Start a Business with no Money? You Need to Startup Yourself Nothing is impossible.

Instead of taking a course or reading a book that promises a Start a business with no money 
to reveal the attributes that every successful entrepreneur must have (which does help, but not quite).
I suggest you seek the best possible support to identify your strengths and a guide to Maximize and exploit them.
Surely you know, personally or indirectly, many successful entrepreneurs, and although they may have traits in common, surely everyone will have a different personality, characteristics and skills. In each case, their strengths are the reason for their success. 
You probably wonder if it would not be better to eliminate your weaknesses or areas of opportunity to have a better profile along with your strengths.

To grow, do I focus on my strengths or my weaknesses?

Gallup Organization has conducted studies with scientific rigour on this subject, over more than thirty years and based on more than two million interviews conducted globally to people considered excellent in their work area. 
Their conclusions have exploited by many organizations achieving extraordinary results, thanks to the fact that they have accepted what Gallup describes as two significant errors:
Mistake 1: Believe that everyone can learn to be competent in everything.
Mistake 2: Assume that the most significant growth space is that of weaknesses.

And how do I identify my strengths?

Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton, co-authors of the book now, discover your Gallup strengths and managers, define a power:
It is the talent you have to achieve a consistent, almost perfect performance in an activity.
Only if you see yourself repeating that activity over and over again with joy and success.
You can do a self-knowledge exercise by identifying what those talents and strengths that distinguish you and then validate them with the opinion of those who know you best, such as your co-workers, partners, friends and family are. 
You can also look for some professional tool that generates your profile from Start a business with no money. Those offered by the Gallup Center for Strengths are an excellent option.

How do I link my strengths with my venture?

First, choose a business where you can add value by applying your strengths every day. Second, look for partners and hire people that complement your strengths.
Trying to achieve an individual profile with strengths in all critical aspects of entrepreneurship is not very reasonable, but forming a team that integrates these strengths is viable and also a reasonable goal to undertake.

Creative and strategic thinking

Talent to identify opportunities, generate innovative ideas and design strategies.

Personal and public relations

Talent to build trust, empathize, develop people, create secure connections and build long-term relationships.

Influence and development of people

Talent to communicate and convince, lead teams, motivate, maximize the potential of others and capitalize on competitive advantages.

Execution and achievement capacity

Talent to turn plans into achievements consistently, organizing people, and following up on tasks with discipline and focus.

Technical skills

Talent to generate a product or offer a particular service, achieving some competitive advantage over your competitors.
So, no book or entrepreneurship course works?

I recommend you select an option that has a practical approach and teaches you cutting-edge methodologies, techniques.

The tools that have proven effective in conducting entrepreneurship projects, and not one that promises to develop all the qualities of a “super-entrepreneur” after Start a business with no money.

Based on your experience as an entrepreneur and entrepreneur trainer, these are the seven tools that can help you to start your business successfully, in addition to your strengths:

Thinking design (Design Thinking).
Design of the value proposition.
Learn entrepreneurship (Lean Startup).
Business model.
Prototypes and prototypes.
Validation experiments.
Basic financial estimates for entrepreneurs.

I will tell you why you should learn to use these seven tools, and I will give you more details about them. For now, identify your strengths before Start a business with no money!

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