

Some Intriguing Psychological Findings That Might Surprise You

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Alright, buckle up because I'm about to drop some mind-blowing psychological nuggets that'll leave you scratching your head!

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1. **Bystander Effect Ain't Just a Myth:** You ever heard of the bystander effect? It's when people are less likely to help someone in need when there are others around. Yeah, it's real, and it's kinda messed up. Turns out, when there's a bunch of people witnessing a situation, everyone's thinking, "Eh, someone else will step in." So next time you're in trouble, don't count on the crowd to come to your rescue.

2. **The Power of Priming:** Your brain's a sneaky little rascal, let me tell ya. Researchers have found that subtle cues in your environment can influence your behavior without you even realizing it. Like, just flashing a picture of money can make people act more selfishly. Crazy, right? So next time you're feeling a little off, take a look around—maybe there's something messing with your head without you even knowing it.

3. **False Memories Are Totally a Thing:** Ever swear up and down that something happened, only to find out it never did? Blame it on false memories. Your brain's like a faulty recorder, sometimes mixing up real events with stuff you've imagined or heard about. So don't be too quick to trust your memory—it's not as reliable as you think.

4. **The Backfire Effect:** You'd think that when you present someone with facts, they'd change their mind, right? Wrong! Sometimes, hitting folks with the truth can actually make them double down on their beliefs. It's called the backfire effect, and it's a real doozy. So next time you're trying to convince someone they're wrong, you might wanna rethink your strategy.

5. **The Illusion of Control:** Here's a kicker for ya: We all like to think we're in control of our lives, but in reality, we're just fooling ourselves. Psychologists have found that people tend to overestimate how much control they have over events. It's like we're all living in our own little bubbles of delusion. So maybe it's time to accept that sometimes, life's just gonna do its own thing, whether we like it or not.

So there you have it—some mind-bending psychological findings that'll make you question everything you thought you knew about the human mind. Ain't science grand? 🧠🔍

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Making $5000 per month from AI through online

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5 Ways You Can Use AI To Earn An Extra $5000 Per Month Online

Are you looking for ways to earn an extra $5000 per month online? If so, then you're in luck! AI tools have revolutionized the online world and now it's easier than ever to make money online with them. In this blog post, I'll be discussing five ways you can use AI tools to earn an extra $5000 per month online. From automating tasks to leveraging data, these strategies can help you maximize your income and reach your financial goals. So let's get started!

1) Sell your products and services online

Are you looking for a way to make some extra money using AI? Selling products and services online is one of the best ways to do this. With the right AI tools, you can easily reach more customers, increase your sales and even automate the entire process.
One way to get started selling your products and services online is by setting up an online store. This can be done quickly and easily with platforms such as Shopify and BigCommerce. These platforms provide powerful AI tools that can help you market and manage your products, track customer data, optimize your pricing, and more.
You can also use AI tools to automate the process of selling your products and services online. For example, you could use AI-driven chatbots to interact with customers, or use AI algorithms to personalize content or suggest products based on a customer’s purchase history.
By utilizing AI tools to sell your products and services online, you can increase your sales while saving time. This can lead to extra money earned online, with little effort on your part.

2) Participate in online surveys

Online surveys are one of the best ways to earn passive income of up to $5000 monthly. They are an easy and convenient way to make money, as they can be done from the comfort of your own home. With online surveys, you can provide your opinion on a variety of topics, such as advertising, product testing, market research and more. All you need to do is register with a survey site, complete the surveys and get paid for your time and effort. Some survey sites will even offer you rewards points that you can use to redeem gifts or cash. It’s important to note that while you can make decent money with surveys, it’s not something you should rely on as your primary source of income. However, if you’re looking for an easy way to supplement your income, this is an excellent option.

3) Provide freelance services

Freelancing is an increasingly popular way to make money online, and it’s a great way to earn an extra $5000 per month using AI. You can use your artificial intelligence skills to provide a range of services for companies or individuals, including content writing, website development, software engineering, SEO, social media management and more.
Finding freelance work may require a bit of legwork. To get started, consider setting up a profile on an online freelancing platform such as Upwork, Fiverr or PeoplePerHour. This will give you access to a variety of potential clients who are looking for AI-related services. Once you have created a profile and portfolio of work, start reaching out to potential employers or posting offers.
Freelancing with AI can be both rewarding and lucrative. With the right skillset, you can easily earn a $5000 monthly salary by providing valuable services online. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re already experienced in the world of AI freelancing, there is always room for growth and success.

4) Join an affiliate marketing program

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make an extra income online. By becoming an affiliate of an online business or company, you can earn commissions by promoting their products or services to your network. With the right strategies, you can easily make an additional $5000 per month from affiliate marketing.
When you join an affiliate program, you will be assigned a unique referral link that you can share with your audience. When someone makes a purchase from the merchant using your link, you will receive a commission. It is important to research the various programs and merchants that offer affiliate opportunities to ensure that you are partnering with reputable companies.
Once you have selected an affiliate program to join, create content that promotes the products or services of the merchant. You can write blog posts, create videos, or share social media posts about the products or services. Make sure to include your unique referral link so that when someone clicks on it, they are taken to the merchant’s website and can make a purchase.
By joining an affiliate program and sharing content that promotes the merchant’s products and services, you can easily earn an extra $5000 per month online. It is a great way to make money while helping people find the products and services they need.

5) Sell your photos and videos online

Are you looking for a way to make an extra $5000 monthly through AI? Selling your photos and videos online can be a great way to do just that. With so many platforms available, it’s easy to get started and start earning passive income.
When it comes to selling your photos and videos, it’s important to consider the quality of the content you’re producing. Quality content can be sold over and over again, providing you with a steady source of income. There are several platforms where you can sell your photos and videos, such as Shutterstock, Dreamstime, or iStockPhoto. You can also use platforms such as Instagram or YouTube to build an audience and share your content.
Before you can begin selling your photos and videos, you’ll need to sign up for an account on the platform of your choice. Once you’ve created an account, you’ll need to upload your content and submit it for review. Once the content is approved, you’ll be able to set a price for it and start selling.
The amount of money you can make will depend on the quality of your content and the number of sales you make. The more quality content you upload and the more popular it becomes, the more money you can make.
Using AI to help optimize and promote your photos and videos can help increase your earnings potential. AI can help to identify popular trends, suggest ideas for new content, and even automate some of the tasks involved in marketing your content.
Making an extra $5000 per month through AI is definitely possible if you take the time to create quality content and find a way to market it effectively. Selling your photos and videos online is a great way to do just that.

How to work from home when you have children

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work from home with children
Working from home when you have children seems like a crazy and impossible task, but the truth is that with the growth of teleworking on a global scale, every day we can access more tricks to balance our professional life work at home jobs for moms with our personal life, that includes have little ones hanging around the home.

legitimate work from home jobs hiring now

Whether working from home has been your professional lifestyle for a long time or you are doing it temporarily as a preventive measure against the coronavirus pandemic , these 5 tips on how to work from home when you have children are perfect.

Establish a stable routine for yourself and for the little ones

Working from home when you have children implies attending to two qualities of life that require a very marked routine to make them more bearable, much more so if they have to coexist.
You don't need a sophisticated agenda, but you do need to create a certain structure in day-to-day activities that bring a sense of order to both you and your children. Everyone is better when it works under a realistic routine to stick to.
Prioritize work activities and those related to the little ones in this routine and separate your spaces very well to cover each one. Here we gave you some tips on how to create an ideal environment to work from home .

Prioritize napping in your routine

Now that we talk about routines, we take this opportunity to tell you that there is a part of it that is almost essential to include if we want extra time that can be very useful to rest from work or complete certain tasks and work obligations: nap!
Yes, we know that it is not easy if they are not used to it ... However, if you have to work from home and have children, try as much as possible that they get used to a nap time.
The nap is able to reserve at least a couple of hours that you can use to work with full focus on those tasks that require a higher number of priority and concentration or on the other hand, depending on your workload, it can be an opportunity to release tension, replenish energy and / or rest from the fast pace that day to day work from home requires when you have children.

Talk to other people around the house

If there are other people in the home, be it your partner and / or family, communication will be your basis to organize an effective method of working from home when you have children.
By communicating you will be able to reach agreements such as the division of day-to-day tasks, both related to household issues and the care of the little ones. In addition, you can set times in which it will be necessary to take turns to work while another is in charge of keeping an eye on the children , all this without anyone feeling overwhelmed by an excessive load of side and side tasks.

Choose a suitable space

Knowing how to choose the home space where you plan to work is not only important for you, but also for your children. If you have the opportunity to define a space solely to focus on the workplace, take advantage of today with this list of tips to recreate an office environment when working from home .
Little ones little by little will also understand that when they access that area they will find you working, over time they will begin to realize that this is your workspace.
Now, you have to set limits and educate them on what they can and cannot do when they cross your work area or if they are very young children, make sure they are in a place that is comfortable for you, for example, to keep them in sight while you work.

Use the pomodoro technique

One of the most difficult things when working from home when you have children is to achieve a state of full productivity , due to the constant interruptions that children can make. There is a productivity technique that can become your new best friend to deal with this problem: the pomodoro technique.

How the pomodoro technique works

The pomodoro technique is very easy to follow and you will only need the timer of your mobile phone or an application to carry it out. Here we tell you how the pomodoro technique works :
  • Activate the tomato timer and set it to sound at 25 minutes .
  • Commit to using those 25 minutes to focus intensely on being more productive at work and developing it to the best of your ability.
  • Once the 25 minutes are up, give yourself 5 minutes to disconnect from work. You can take the opportunity to take a look at what children are doing, play with them for a while or cover any quick need they have.
  • Repeat the process four times and when you complete the four cycles in a row, establish a longer time to disconnect from work duties, such as 15-20 minutes, which can be used to spend with the little ones.
We consider that of all the productivity techniques you can find, this is the most simple and effective to use when you work from home when you have children, we use it.
Working from home when you have children can be a difficult task to reconcile, but with many grains of patience, organization and will, it is totally feasible. Share this article with someone you think can help you.

Fiverr: What it is and how to use it to earn money from anywhere

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fiverr who is and how to earn money
Fiverr is one of the multiple web platform with which you can generate income working from home or from anywhere in the world. If you want to know more about this platform as well as the steps you must follow to use it correctly, here we give you all the details so that you can start using it professionally from today.
What is Fiverr
Fiverr is a specialized platform for buying and selling digital products and services, that is, it is only possible to sell material that can be delivered in 2.0 format, nothing physical.
It is one of the most popular web portals to earn money online with specific jobs. Thanks to its ease of use, the unimaginable number of services and products that can be offered, the number of active users who frequently hire services from different freelancers and the possibility of growing on the platform working to generate a good reputation through its system of punctuation.

What types of professionals can earn money with Fiverr?

The list of services and products that someone can offer on Fiverr is unimaginably long. On this platform it is possible to earn money making translations, designing brochures, making a logo, programming an application, even sending a video reading a person's astrological chart.
Everything that can be sent digitally can be done on Fiverr, so you can also surely find yourself with a lot of fun.
This is a list of the most successful career areas:
  • Web, mobile and software development.
  • Writing and translation.
  • Desing and creativity.
  • Digital marketing and sales.
  • Music and audio consulting.
  • Accounting.
  • Legal advice.
  • Entertainment and fun.
  • Customer service.
  • Production, animation and video editing.

How to start earning money with Fiverr?

These are the steps you must take to start generating income with this platform.

Create a Fiverr profile

The first of all will be to register on the platform , something you can do for free and it does not take you long.
You can register by linking with your Google or Facebook account and filling in your basic data in less than two minutes. Later you can personalize your profile so that it looks attractive to customers.

Understand the platform

What is a "gig"?

To make money with Fiverr, all you have to do is create a "gig", which is basically a presentation of your professional services with a brief description of what they can expect when hiring you, emphasizing why you are the right person to carry out a job.
Additionally you can add your prices, service details and examples of previous work.
When you register the platform will only allow you to create a maximum of 5 gigs, as your reputation on Fiverr increases and you get more and better grades, you may have the opportunity to create more than 5.

How to create a "gig" in Fiverr?

Creating a "gig" is not very science ... just look in the menu for the category "Selling" and you will see that a submenu is displayed in which you must click on "Gigs" , then on the option "Create a new gig" .
create a gig in fiverr
You will see a window unfold where you have to get down to work with the description of our professional services.
All presentations or gigs must start with the English words "I will" , then you can complete with the service you are going to offer, for example:
I will create a logo for your brand.
I will create a logo for your brand in Fiverr
Later you can select in which category your service falls, for example: Graphic design .
The next thing is to add a maximum of 5 labels so that your potential clients can find you. For example, if you are creating a gig on animated logo design, the ideal tags would be #logo #design #branding, #animation , etc ...
You already have the skeleton of your gig to start generating income with Fiverr, now it's time to give a little added value to your services. To do this, a window will be displayed where you can share the terms of your service and divide it into different packages: basic, standard and premium .